Tips for sport photography amateurs

Author: Gaurav Birla August 30, 2010 No Comments

There is a split second difference between getting the money shot and a useless one in sports. A sports photographer has to be quick and ready for all types of scenarios. Here are some tips for beginners and amateur sports photographers.

Tips for beginners and amateur sports photographers

  • Planning and preparation should be the topmost priority before going out for any sports photography event.
  • A good knowledge of the location and the vantage point is available is vital to achieving good photographs.
  • Gather all the relevant information about the game and the event that is going to happen.
  • Understand the sport, study the key players and whether they are likely to a chief or set the record and also understand their signature style of gameplay.
  • Practice using your camera. A good control on manual focus and tracking a fast moving object in the frame are the basic skills you must possess.
  • Get different lenses and use them effectively. Do not hesitate to change lenses or use multiple camera bodies.
  • Frame your photographs tightly; get the faces in the frames.
  • Start photographing before the game plays starts and do not stop once the gameplay is over. Make sure to photograph the ceremonies before and after the game. Even during the break time, take photographs of resting players and other surroundings.
  • Good lenses with wider apertures will certainly improve your photographs by giving you access to higher shutter speeds.
  • Possess the necessary equipment for setting white balance and exposure in case your camera fails to do so. Especially when photographing indoors or in artificial light.
  • Use reflective surfaces to your advantage. Look for interesting lines and patterns that can improve the composition of your images.
  • Understand that etiquettes of a game. Be respectful to all the people you’re photographing.
  • Make it habit to regularly look at photographs published in magazines and newspapers, this will help you get more ideas and understand the techniques of great photographs.
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