Archive for Tips and Tricks

Understanding EXIF Data

Understanding EXIF Data

August 26, 2010 No Comments

EXIF data helps photographers achieve better exposure and composition in their digital photos. Exchangeable Image File or EXIF is one of the big advantages of digital cameras as it stores all the camera settings as part of the image file.

Understanding scene modes

Understanding scene modes

August 26, 2010 No Comments

Scene modes are the most interesting and most widely used setting in digital cameras. All photography enthusiasts explore the scene modes in their cameras and make the most of it. There are various available scene modes like auto, landscape, portrait, child, macro, night portrait, fireworks etc.



August 26, 2010 No Comments

Aperture is the opening in the camera which allows the light to get inside. Aperture plays an important role in defining your images in terms of depth of focus and Bokeh. Let’s have a look at this amazing yet very simple control on the camera.

Understanding Shutter speed

Understanding Shutter speed

August 26, 2010 No Comments

Shutter speed plays a very important role in defining your photographs. You can either choose to capture the motion or keep the frame frozen as per your wish and all it this is possible with the help of shutter speed controls available on your camera.

The Exposure Triangle

The Exposure Triangle

August 26, 2010 No Comments

The exposure triangle defines the relationship between shutter speed, ISO and aperture. These are the basic elements for setting correct exposure for a photograph and they have their own individual properties also which alter the final outcome in a photograph.

Basics of a digital camera

Basics of a digital camera

August 25, 2010 No Comments

A camera is a simple gadget that captures light and records it on the storage medium (film, memory card). The common components of camera are the lens, shutter, image sensor, viewfinder and a mirror.